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This sleep App was recorded live at sunset in the stunning remote ancient lands of Northern Australia. The home of the Jabiru, Whistling Kites, Ringneck Parrot… the home of the Water Python, the Saltwater Crocodile and more. As the sun sets, it signals the time ‘to sleep’ has arrived, the time for us to enter the sleep pattern, the time to rest. The recording features the creatures call at the precise time of sunset to dusk, calling in the night. Recorded within sight and close proximity of all the creatures mentioned and more, it is preceded with a restful narration of positive affirmations by Niresh Parag, to release the day and welcome the night when you are ready for bed.

As a bonus, Wake Up will be available Free with the Sleep App.

Please allow seven minutes for Wake Up when setting alarm which was recorded from dawn through to sunrise.

Apple users Note – Wake Up will play for thirty seconds between Snooze, unless you press Yes to hear the full audio


App Audio Explanation


Listen to Audio on a Good Sleep here


Due to restrictions placed by Apple in preserving their product Alarms, please adopt the follow for Wake Up. When the alarm triggers, it will show our logo and play for thirty seconds. Slide the logo and press YES to hear our App. Set Snooze to 10 mins, as the default is set at 2 mins and it will interfere with the recording every 2 mins.

For all ANDROID products, there are no restrictions on the alarm.